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May 13, 2010
Board of Commissioners of Trust Funds
Minutes of the May 13, 2010 Meeting

Present:  Mayor Driscoll, Raymond Vaillancourt, Thaddeus Buczko
               and William Goreham

Mayor Driscoll called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M.

The Salem Community Child Care Center requested assistance with their Summer Camp Program.  The assistance would subsidize the cost for any summer trips or activities.   The Center is a not for profit, tax-exempt childcare center serving low-income families in Salem.  Raymond Vaillancourt made a motion to approve $500.00 from the Discretionary Fund for the Center.  The motion was seconded by Thaddeus Buczko and voted unanimously.

The Salem Council on Aging submitted nine requests for medication reimbursements.  Thaddeus Buczko made a motion to approve payment of $1,507.41 from the Endicott Fund.  The motion was seconded by Raymond Vaillancourt and voted unanimously.

The Salem Council on Aging submitted a general assistance on behalf a Salem resident to help with moving expenses to her new apartment at Lee Fort Terrace.
Thaddeus Buczko made a motion to approve $310.00 from the Discretionary Fund for moving expenses.  The motion was seconded by Raymond Vaillancourt and voted unanimously.

The Annual Read/Buffum/Smith Picnic and Read Science Fair will be held at Salem Willows on Saturday, June 19, 2010 rain or shine from 10:00A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

Raymond Vaillancourt made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 8, 2010 meeting.  The motion was seconded by William Goreham and voted unanimously.

Ronald Malionek, General Foreman for Public Services attended the meeting to have a check reissued.   The Clerk will void the old check and reissue a new one to the City of Salem/Cemetery.   The Board also brought Ron up-to-date on the available Cemetery Funds that are held by the City.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:56 P.M.

Respectfully submitted:

F. Kay Fouhey, Clerk